

  • 名称:九年级下册英语学练优答案(安徽专用)
  • 年级:九年级
  • 版本:
  • 科目:英语
  • 学期:下册
  • 系列:
学子斋 > 九年级下册课后答案 > 九年级下册英语学练优答案(安徽专用) > 九年级下册英语学练优Unit12第六课时答案(安徽专用)
 One possible version:
                   I used to have lots of embarrassing moments, and the best thing to deal with it is either to forget about it, or to sit back and laugh with your friends. That will show them that you aren't embarrassed and have confidence in yourself. Also, for future reference,if something embarrassing happens, be confident and just play it cool,laugh with people and don't get embarrassed and run off. Once again, it will show that you have more confidence in yourself.