

  • 名称:上教版二年级下册英语知识与能力训练答案
  • 年级:二年级
  • 版本:上教版
  • 科目:英语
  • 学期:下册
  • 系列:暑假作业期末综合复习
学子斋 > 二年级下册课后答案 > 上教版二年级下册英语知识与能力训练答案 > 上教版二年级下册英语知识与能力训练期末测试答案

1、It's autumn. lt's cool. (b)
2、It's spring. I can ride a bicycle. (a)
3、- Ir's cold. What do vou need in winter?(c)
4、- Can you play cards? - Yes. (c)
5、Look at mx card for Tcachers: Day (c)
6、 I'm tired. J \x'anL to slccp (b)

1、- Look at the ljohc -- It's green. Let's go ( x )   .
2、- Look at the lioht. -  It's yellew . Iet's wait. (√)
3、Go! Go! Go! Cross Lhe rozd(√)
4、- Can you blow a balloon?  - Yes. I can blow a balloon. (√)
5、- Happy Mother's Day! - Thank you  (X)
6、Draw, Draw. Draw a flower.(√)

1、- Summer, summer. We can swim. - Let's go.
2、- What can you do? - I can draw. Look! - How nicei
3、- What do you like? - I like riding my bicycle. I like spring.
4、- lt's spring What can you see'? - J can see some bees.
5、- Can you skate? - Yes. I like winter. I like skating.
6、- What can you do in autumn? - I can fly a kite
(4 1-2 3-5-6)

1、- Iook! Whal can children do?- They can make bir出. (√)
2、- I'm tirecl. Mum. - Go to bed, Mary. Goud night. - Gooci night (√)
3、- Arc you thirsty? - Yes.-Would you some water ?-yes,pease(×)
4、- Le"s go out and play. - Good idea - Let's go. (√)

1、- Can Tom play yo-yo?- No, but he can piay football very well. (d)
2、- Can you fl} a kite. Kitty? - Ycs, of course. (a)
3、- What can Eddie clo? - He can play yo-yo. (b)
4、- Do you like skating, Alice? - No, I like playing cards. (c)

1、- Happy Teachcrs' Day, Miss Wang. A card for you. - Thank you
2、- Happy Kcu Ycar! - Happy New Ycar!- A gift for you, Kicty, - Thank you, Grancima and Grandpa.
3、- 7t:s hlother's Day. H Lppy Mother's Day, Mum.- Woxx, thank you for your lovely flowcr.
4、- Happv  birChday, Kitty! A cake ancl a gift for you.- Thanks, Mum and Dad.

It's spring. What clo }'ou need'? (l need a shirt.)

1、lt's green. Let's go.
2、It's spring. I can ride a bicycle.
3、It's summer. I eat ice cremn.

1、Can she play footbail? (No)
2、I'm sorry. (That's aD right.)
3、Are you thirsty? (Yes, I'm thirsty.)
4、What can you do in xvinter? ( I can skate,j
5、It's cold. What do you ncccl? ( I need a sweater.)