

  • 名称:上教版二年级下册英语知识与能力训练答案
  • 年级:二年级
  • 版本:上教版
  • 科目:英语
  • 学期:下册
  • 系列:暑假作业期末综合复习
学子斋 > 二年级下册课后答案 > 上教版二年级下册英语知识与能力训练答案 > 上教版二年级下册英语知识与能力训练Unit9答案

1、① I have a sweater. (a)  
② I have trousers. (b)
③ I have a shirt. (a)
④ - It's summer. What do you need?
-I need a dress. (a)
⑤ - It's winter. What do you need?
- I need a coat. (a)
⑥ - What do you have? - I have a blouse. (b)

2、① - It's summer. What do you need, Tom?- I need a T-shirt and shorts. (c)
② - Hi, A/ice. h's summer. What do you need? - I need a dress. (e)
③ - What do you need, Danny?- It's winter It's cloudy. I need a coat. (b)
④ - It's cold, Eddie, What do you need?- I need a sweater I need trousers, too. (a)
⑤ - It's spring. What do you need, Kitty?- I need a blouse. (d)

3、① - Hello. Alice. What do you need.r -I need a new dress.
② - Ilike dolls. May I have one'l - Sure. Here you are.
③ - It's summer. It's sunny and hot.- What do you need? - I need a T-shin and shorts.
④ - It's cold. - I have a sweater. Here you are. - Thank you.
⑤ - I'm hungry. - What do you need?- I need two hamburgers and three pies.
⑥ - It's winter. It's cold and windy. - What do you need? - I need a coat.
( 6-3-1-4-5-2 )

4、① - What do you need, Tom? - I need a coat and trousers. ( d,j)
② - I like dolls. May I have one? - Here you are.-I like balls too. May I have one? - Sure  ( e, k)
③ - It's summer. What do you need, Kittv?- I need a dress and a T-sh/rt. (c,f)
④ - Would you like some seets. Dannyi - Sure.l Like sweets. - Would you like some pizzas? - Sure. I Like pizzas too (a,g)

三 、综合能力巩固训练
1、①- Do you like sprino. Ben. - Yes. lt's u arm. - WhaL do you need? -I need a shirt and trousers. (a. e)
②- How is the xx;eather. Eddie?- It's hot and sunny. - What do you need?-I need a T-shirt and shorts. (f, g)
③- Hi, Kitty. Do you Like winter? - No. Ilike autumn. It's cool and windy.- What do you need in autumn7 - I need a dress. (b)
④-How is the weather, Tom? -It's cold and snowy. - What do you need?- I need a coat and a sweater. (c,d)

2、①- Look at the light. IL's green. - Let's go. (x)
②- How is the weather7 - It's cold. - Whar do you need? - I need trousers. (x)
③- What do you have'? - I have a doll. - Is it hard? - No. lt's sof't. (x)
④- Would vou like some sweeLS? - N'o I don't like sweers  (x)
⑤- It's winter. It's cold  - What do you need?- I need three sweaters  (√)
⑥ - Look at my T-shirt. It's blue- I like your T-shirt. It's nice. (√)

3、① - Look at the sun, Dad. It's big.- How is the weather? - It's hot and sunny,
② - Do you like summer'l - Yes. I Iike summer very much. - What can you do'l-I can swim. Let's go to the beach.
③ - Hello. What do you need? - I need some juice. - Here you are. - It's sweet.
④ - Look at my T-shirt, Dad.- What do you need7 - I need a new T-shirt.

