

  • 名称:上教版二年级下册英语知识与能力训练答案
  • 年级:二年级
  • 版本:上教版
  • 科目:英语
  • 学期:下册
  • 系列:暑假作业期末综合复习
学子斋 > 二年级下册课后答案 > 上教版二年级下册英语知识与能力训练答案 > 上教版二年级下册英语知识与能力训练期中测试答案

1、I can sec three whire rabbics.(a)
2、It's harcl. It's a pcncil box. (b)
3、1 can hear a bus (c)
4、I like skaLing t.c)
5、I like salad. It's yummy. (c)
6、They /ire b/ack and white They're zebras.(b)

1、- What are chey ? - They're monkeys  They like running.(√)
2、- What are they? - They are bears. They like skating. (x)
3、- Are thew zebras? - No. they are horses They like skipping. (x)
4、- Do you like riding bicycles. giraffes?- Yes. we like riding bicycles. (√)
5、- Do you like running, Miss Cat? - Yes. I like runr(×)
6、- WhaL can you see? - I can see Lwo rabbits. Theyhkengi;o(ppi)g.(√)

1、- Look! What are they? - They are snakes and foxes.
2、- Are Lhey snakes and foxes too?- No. They are zebras and elephants.
3、- What can you hear?- I can hear monkeys. I can see two giraffes too.
4、- What do you like'? - I like dancing.
5、- Do you like dancing'? - No. I like singing.
6、- Do you like writing? - Yes, I like writing.

1、- What do you like doing, Ben? -llike playing with balls. - What about you, Kitty? - I like flying my kite. (√)
2、- Would you like some hamburgers, Danny? - Sure. Would you like some hamburgers, Kitty? - No, thanks. I like pies. ( x )
3、- What can you heat? -I can hear a car. - Can you hear a bus too? - Yes. (√)
4、- What are they'? - They're birds. They like flying.- Is it a bird too? - No. It's a dog  ( x )

1、- Would you like some salad, Mum? - No, thanks. Rice, please. (b)
2、- Would you like some rice, Grandpa? - No. thanks. Salad, please. (a)
3、- Can you hear a car. Eddie?- No. I can hear a girl. She's singing. (d)
4、- Alice, do you like skating? - No. I like skipping. (c)

1、- Woufd you like some fish? - No. thanks. I want some chicken. - OK. But I wanl some tish.
2、- What can you see? -I can see some bees. They're flying - Can you see some flowers? - Yes, they're beautiful.
3、- Do you like running, boys? - Yes, we like running.- What abouc you, girls? - We like skipping.
4、 - Happy birthday, Kitty! A gift for you. - Thank you.- What can you smell7 - I can smell a cake.

1、What can you hear? (I can hear a car,)
2、What can you smell? (I can smell chicken.)
3、What do you like? (I like nooctles.)
4、What can you see? (I can see a ship.)
5、What are they? (They are zebras.)

1、I can see three bears. They're brown.
2、I can hear a plane
3、They're toy snakes.

1、What can you see? ( I can see five zebras.)
2、What colour are they? (They're white.)
3、What can you hear? ( I can hear a car. I can hear a cat.)
4、Would you like some rish? ( No. thank you. Some chicken, please.)
5、Do you like riding a bicycle? ( No. I like skating.)