

  • 名称:译林版六年级下册英语课课练答案
  • 年级:六年级
  • 版本:译林版
  • 科目:英语
  • 学期:下册
  • 系列:永乾教育暑假作业快乐假期
学子斋 > 六年级下册课后答案 > 译林版六年级下册英语课课练答案 > 译林版六年级下册英语课课练TestforUnit5答案
1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、
c b a a a c

a b c d e f
3 5 1 6 2 4

1、 2、 3、 4、 5、


1、 2、 3、 4、 5、
pig far make good green

1、 at,party 
2、 bring,from
3、 likes,playing
4、 When,have
5、 What,putting

1、 2、 3、 4、 5、
a c b c c
6、 7、 8、 9、 10、
b b c c b

1、 bring, from
2、 balloons
3、 begin
4、 buy, snacks, drinks
5、 fun
6、 this/tomorrow, play, with
7、 soon

1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、
f d a b e c

1、 What, going
2、 doesn't, like
3、 are
4、 Spring, favourite
5、 like, fruit/snacks

1、 2、 3、 4、 5、
c b a b c
6、 7、 8、 9、 10、
b a c a b

1、Tim's birthday is coming this Sunday.
2、Jim, Liu Tao, Yang Ling, Su Hai and Nancy are coming to the party.
3、Jim is Tim's best friend.
4、He is going to make a fruit cake.
5、He likes toy cars.

A、Listen and circle
1、Make a wish, Tim.
2、I like this blue shirt very much.
3、We had great fun at the party.
4、Did you bring a gift for Miss Li?
5、There was a lot of rain last summer.
6、I am going to dance at the party.

B、Listen and number
1、G: Today is my mother's birthday. We are having a party now.
2、G: What do you do at weekends?
B: I often watch cartoons on TV at home.
3、A: Are the children playing computer games?
B: No. They're watching an interesting film.
4、G: What do you like doing?
B: I like playing basketball.
5、A: What's Tim going to do this afternoon?
B: He's going to play with his cousin Jim. .
6、B: I like climbing mountains. I often go climbing with my parents.

C、Listen and judge
The weekend is coming. My family are going fishing this Saturday. We all like fishing very much. We all like eating fish too because it is good for our health. On Sunday afternoon, we are going to watch a film. Then, we are going to have dinner at a restaurant. We are going to eat some dumplings. I am excited about the weekend.

D、Listen and write
There is going to be a party at Mary's house this Sunday. Her friends are coming to the party. Jack is going to bring some balloons to the party. Danny is going to bring some snacks. Sue is going to bring a big cake. Tom is going to bring some fruit. He is going to make a fruit salad.