

  • 名称:译林版五年级下册英语补充习题答案
  • 年级:五年级
  • 版本:译林版
  • 科目:英语
  • 学期:下册
  • 系列:云南省普通高中学业水平标准与考试说明
学子斋 > 五年级下册课后答案 > 译林版五年级下册英语补充习题答案 > 译林版五年级下册英语Unit8补充习题答案
a b c d e f g h i
9 5 1 7 4 6 8 3 2
B、1. 15/fifteen 
2. the US 
3. doctors 
4. father,mother,sister
5. swimming,playing football 
6. 2nd March
C、1. —When's Tony's birthday?
—It's on the eighteenth of April.
—What does he usually do on his birthday?
—He usually eats a birthday cake/has a birthday party.
2. —When's Amy's birthday?
—It's on the twenty-second of September.
—What does she usually do on her birthday?
—She usually flies a kite in the park.
3. —When's Jenny's birthday?
—It's on the fourth of December.
—What does she usually do on her birthday?
—She usually watches a film.
4. —When's Jack's birthday?
—It's on the fifteenth of January.
—What does he usually do on his birthday?
—He usually has a picnic with his friends in the park.
 D、1. eleventh,August,birthday,cake 
2. twentieth,July,present
3. ninth,April,noodles 
4. thirteenth,March,card 
5. first,May,go,to,zoo
1 2 3 4 5 6
birthday  When's on  February  four Happy
F、对 错 错 对 错
A、1. —When's Halloween?
—It's on the thirty-first of October.
2. —When's your birthday,Mr Green?
—It's on the thirteenth of June.
3. —When's the Spring Festival?
—It comes in January or February.
4. —Is your birthday in July,Nancy?
—No. My birthday is in May. It's on the twenty-first of May.
5. —What's your favourite festival,Helen?
—It's Christmas.
6. —When's your birthday,Grandma?
—It's on the twentieth of June.
7. —Do you know your mother's birthday?
—Yes. It's on the fifth of December.
8. —When's the Mid-Autumn Festival?
—It's in September or October.
9. —My birthday is in January. What about you,Wang Bing?
—My birthday is on the twenty-third of April.
B、Hi,my name is John. I'm fifteen years old. I live in the US. My parents are both doctors. I have a sister. She is eight years old. I like swimming and playing football. My sister likes drawing and skating. My birthday is on the second of March. My sister's birthday is in March too,but it's on the twenty-fifth.