in time

时间:2017-03-31 分类:高频短语 APP:学子斋答案APP下载

in time 及时,迟早,最后


◆They were I time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases, which were to make the earth's atmosphere.它们最终产生了碳、氮气、水蒸气和其他多种气体,从而形成了地球的大气层,(人教版,必修③,Unit 4)

【辨析】 in time和on time

in time作”及时”解,含有”不晚”的意思。on time作”准时”解,含有”不早也不晚”之意。


The manager wants to see changes in the company, and I am sure he will____. (陕西高考)

 A. in particular turn charge time
