give off/out

时间:2017-03-31 分类:高频短语 APP:学子斋答案APP下载

give off/out 发出,放出



give off多指液体、气体、气味、热、光等的”发出或放出”。

give out多指声音、热、光等的”发出或放出”;不及物时意为”用完,耗尽”。


◆ To add to the virtual world of RealCine, the headsets even have small openings that give out smells to match the environment.给RealCine虚拟世界锦上添花的是,耳机上甚至还有一些小孔,可以释放出与环境相匹配的气味。(牛津版,必修④,Unit 3) 

◆The radio is giving out a strange signal.这部收音机正发出一种奇怪的信号。 

◆ After a month their food supplies gave out.一个月以后他们的食物储备消耗殆尽。